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Public Financial Management

Here you can find some general documents concerning Public Financial Management (PFM), such as the law and regulations and about the PFM system. 


The art of public financial management in the Netherlands

This book, initiated by the National Academy for Finance and Economics, describes the Dutch approach in public financial management. Each chapter focuses on some specific part and gives detailed insight. Many experts from all the relevant Dutch institutions contributed to the content of this book. The authors work at these institutions and shared the latest developments in their field.

Public Finance in the Netherlands

This overview is aimed at people outside the Netherlands who are employed at ministries of finance, supreme audit institutions, internal audit institutions and relevant university faculties, as well as the media, members of parliament and other interested parties.

Government Accounts Act 2016

Government Accounts Act 2016. Applicable since 1 January 2018. Act of 22 March 2017 containing rules on managing, providing information on, auditing and reporting on central government finances, on managing public liquid assets outside central government and on supervising the management of public liquid assets and public funds outside central government (Government Accounts Act 2016)

News items about Public Financial Management

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