About us
The National Academy for Finance and Economics is the training institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands. It is an integral part of the Directorate General of the Budget of the Ministry. The National Academy trains civil servants in the field of public finance, audit and economics. We are located in The Hague.

What we offer
The Academy offers trainings, seminars and workshops to domestic and foreign civil servants working on public finances. Services offered by the National Academy may vary by case, but are always up-to-date and practical oriented. In carrying out our activities, we are always making use of experienced lecturers who design and execute country-specific programmes or work in the field of their expertise.
Programmes for Dutch government employees
A short description of our programme for Dutch Government employees is available on our website.
To visit the Dutch website of the National Academy: Rijksacademie voor Financiƫn, Economie en Bedrijfsvoering.
Since 2001, the National Academy has started to expand internationally and has accepted a growing number of technical assistance requests from abroad.Most commonly, the academy assist foreign institutions with the introduction and implementation of public finance reforms. Services offered by the National Academy are tailor-made, up-to-date and practice oriented. We also offer trainings on a regular basis, such as the Summer Course and Shiraka Public Financial Management Programme.
Our Experts have full-time jobs in the field of public finance within the Dutch central government. This means that they are always familiar with the latest developments in their field based on their daily work.
Pool of experts
We have a pool of 200 experts working in the field of public financial management that contribute to our activities and programmes. Besides these experts, that have gained much experience in international settings, we also mobilize experts on an ad-hoc basis in case their expertise is needed in a specific training or project. These may also be experts outside the government, such as experts on cultural awareness or soft skills.
On site experts
Besides this we also have a couple of colleagues stationed in the countries we work for, such as in Ukraine. For instance our colleague Manfred van Kesteren, internal auditor at the Dutch ministry of Finance. Manfred is stationed in Ukraine and from there has a coordinating role in the cooperation in the field of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania. These activities are part of the NL Constituency Programme of the ministry of Finance
Best Practice
The Netherlands public financial management is an internationally recognized best practice. The National Academy is instrumental in advancing and diffusing these best practices to other institutions, whilst learning from our counterparts in other countries. We have an eye for the country specific challenges and frames of reference our counterparts and participants are facing.