Webinars on spending reviews
Publicatiedatum 02-07-2020, 12:00 |
We are pleased to have organized two webinars on spending reviews on 29 June and 2 July 2020.

Bureau for Strategic Analysis
Participants from countries that are in the constituency programme joined these two sessions in order to gain more knowledge on spending reviews executed in the Netherlands. The webinars were facilitated in our online learning environment. Experts from the Bureau for Strategic Analysis of the Dutch Ministry of Finance explained the governance, structure, execution and success factors of spending reviews. They also gave examples of executed reviews.
The webinars were facilitated in our online learning environment
Covid-19 restrictions
The participants were invited for a conference on spending reviews in The Netherlands in June 2020. Due to Covid-19 the National Academy was forced to postpone this conference. When the travel restrictions are eased, the conference dates will be planned.